Alaric Electromechanics Inc.
ph: (1) 541-218-7694
Alaric Electromechanics manufactures a line of scientific grade PM2.5 WINS Impactor Inlets, PM2.5 cyclones, cyclones for PM1 through PM10, heated inlet tubes, inlet stack components, and accessories for ambient air particulate monitoring. Contact us for a quote or more information.
PM2.5 cyclones trap particles with a vortex, which makes field service easier and less frequent compared to WINS Impactor. Particles larger than 2.5 microns are trapped in the inlet, while the smaller particules pass through. We designed the Model AE2.5V PM2.5 cyclone from scratch for superior performance compered to all other cyclones in this class. Our design contains only four machined aluminum parts and only five o-ring seals - half as many as other designs. The monolithic main body eliminates several potential airflow leakage points, provides perfect axial concentricity, and reduces the overall mass of the unit down to only 1.1 lbs. The fully-radiused transfer tube is nearly isokinetic and completely eliminates all sharp corners and all particulate buildup points in the post-vortex downstream flow path.
The PM2.5 D50 cut point curve matches the Federal Reference Method WINS Impactor and Very Sharp Cut Cyclone at the 16.7 L/min flow rate. It is also the same 6.5 inch height and uses the same standard EPA 1.25" diameter socket and tenon configuration. It can be installed into the bottom of standard EPA pattern PM10 inlets, such as our Model PM10L and others.
Note: Model AE2.5V cycloone should not be used in a PM2.5 Federal Reference Method or Federal Equivalent Method sampler system if the instrument designation specifies the use of a specific cyclone model from another specific manufacturer. However, Model AE2.5V is an excellent choice for high-performance PM2.5 applications whenever a specifc inlet brand is not specified. It may also be used with equivalent method instruments if integrated as part of the instrument certification testing process. Contact us for more information.
Model AE2.5S is our modern production of the classic and well-known 16.7L/min PM2.5 sharp-cut cyclone. Although it is heavier and more complex than our newer cyclone designs, this pattern is still widely used worldwide and has been very well characterized for many years. Weighs 2.0 lbs and is 6.5 inches tall, with the standard 1.25 inch (31.75mm) diameter inlet/outlet socket size. Compatible with standard EPA pattern 16.7 L/min PM10 inlets and most brands of PM samplers.
Note: Model AE2.5S is not a very-sharp-cut cyclone, and should not be used as part of a PM2.5 Federal Reference Method or Federal Equivalent Method sampler system if the instrument's designation specifies the use of another specific cyclone. However, it is an excellent choice for any samplers or instruments which use the standard sharp-cut family of inlets. Contact us for details.
Model AE2.5-2 mini 2.0 L/min PM2.5 cyclone is 3.66 inches tall and weighs only 3.6 oz. This cyclone is ideal for use on the new generation of lower cost PM2.5 sensors and samplers being developed worldwide, and has been OEM integrated by several other instrument manufacturers. Shown on the right with our 10085 Mini TSP inlet (sold separately). The inlet and the outlet socket are the standard 1/2 inch (12.7mm) diameter type. Laser serialized.
We improved the classic scientific design model for low flow cyclones, and designed our own line of precision inlets for use on 2.0 L/min particulate sensors or samplers. These cyclones feature unique concentric inlet and outlets without any position offset, which allows inlet component stacks to be reconfigured without changing the air inlet axis. Made from anodized aluminum to very tight tolerances, and designed for easy disassembly and cleaning with no blind air passages. Mini cyclones with other cut points and other flow rates beyond those shown here are available on a custom basis. Contact us for details
NEW! Our Model AE10-2 Mini Cyclone is designed for a PM10 cut point at 2.0 L/min. This unit is slightly larger than our PM2.5 mini cyclone and features the same concentric inlet/outlet and general configuration. Because of the proportionally larger variation in the size and compositions of particulate approaching 10 microns, PM10 is the practical upper limit for cyclone size separation on PM sensors. To optimize performance, we developed a unique deceleration chamber stage to prevent particle impaction in the outlet path. The inlet and the outlet socket are the standard 1/2 inch (12.7mm) diameter type. The height is 4.16 inches and weighs 6.0 ounces. Laser serialized. Shown on the left with our 10085 mini TSP inlet and our 10090 low flow heated inlet tube assembly (sold separately).
NEW! Our Model AE1-2 cyclone is the newest addition to our mini cyclone line, and provides a PM1 cut point at 2.0 L/min. Features the same concentric 1/2 inch diameter inlet/outlet layout as our other mini cyclones. This product is offered on a special order basis with a lead time of 4-6 weeks. Contact us for details.
Our Model 10085 Mini TSP (Total Suspended Particulate) Inlet is carefully designed to keep rain and debris out of outdoor particulate sensors, while minimizing airflow obstruction and bluff-body wind effects. This TSP inlet is only 1.5 inches tall, and fits onto standard 1/2 inch (12.7mm) diameter inlet tubes or cyclone inlets. Manufactured from solid aluminum to withstand both harsh outdoor environments and industrial indoor applications. Model 10085 is optimized for airflow rates between 1 and 5 L/min, and is compatible with our line of 2 L/min mini cyclones as well as with cyclones and inlet tubes from several other manufacturers. When installed directly onto the inlet tube without a cyclone, the inlet stack is configured for TSP sampling. The mini TSP inlet is available with or without an optional internal debris screen.
Model 10085 Mini TSP inlet for Low Flow PM Sensors.
Model 10085-2 Mini TSP Inlet for Low Flow PM Sensors, with Internal Debris Screen
NEW! Our Model 10190 mini inline water collector assembly is designed as an optional add-in component for low flow PM sensor systems in extreme environments. When installed under our mini TSP inlet (as shown in the photo above), it traps any storm-blown rain water to protect downstream components such as a cyclone and your PM sensor module. The UV resistant acrylic bowl can be removed for cleaning. This unit is compatible with all of our mini cyclones and other 1/2 inch diameter inlet stack components.
Our Model 10090 weatherproof heated inlet tube assembly was designed specifically for low flow rate OEM particulate sensor applications, and has been successfully integrated by several particulate sensor manufacturers. The tendency for airborne particles to swell or aggregate when ambient humidity exceeds about 50 percent RH is documented to cause artificially high PM measurements. This effect is the single largest challenge for accurate real time PM methods. A heated inlet is the simplest method to reduce the sample RH to an acceptable level for accurate results.
Model 10090 features a specal 12V DC, 10 Watt self-regulating heating element which does not require external temperature control. However, it can be controlled to maintain a certain temperature or RH setpoint using separate PWM or proportional control hardware if required. Mounting requires a 0.75 inch diameter hole and two small mounting screw holes in the top of the instrument enclosure. The inlet tube can be adjusted vertically within a modest range, and is compatible with all standard 1/2 inch diameter cyclones and TSP inlets. Also available for 24V DC power. Contact us for more information.
The Well Impactor Ninety-Six (or "WINS Impactor") is the classic EPA specified 16.7 L/min PM2.5 "Particle Size Separator" or "2.5-Micron Impactor Assembly" in the Federal Reference Method for the measurement of PM2.5 particulate. The WINS Impactor is is positioned under the main PM10 inlet, and traps airborne particles down to 2.5 microns in size on a DOS oil infused substrate. The smaller PM2.5 particulate continues on to the sampler or monitor to be measured. Although PM2.5 cyclones have replaced the WINS Impactor in many applications, these are still sometimes used where strict adherence to the reference method is needed. Our top quality units feature knurled bands on the body for better grip when unscrewing the parts. Model WINS.
Our Model 10045 spare impactor well assemblies make field service of the WINS Impactor fast and easy. Simply load the spare well with a fresh 37mm filter substrate and DOS oil at the laboratory, then swap the whole well with the dirty one in the field, which can be cleaned and reloaded later back at the lab.
The correct, current EPA specification DOS (Dioctyl Sebacate) single-compound diffusion oil for use in PM2.5 WINS Impactors. The old Dow 704 silicone oil is known to crystallize under certain conditions, and has subsequently been discontinued. Our research-grade DOS oil is packaged in convenient amounts for WINS applications.
10064-1 DOS Oil for WINS Impactor, 120 mL (4oz) bottle
10064-2 DOS Oil for WINS Impactor, 500 mL bottle
Correct EPA spec 37mm diameter binderless glass fiber filter discs used as the substrate for the DOS diffusion oil in the bottom of the PM2.5 WINS Impactor well. We supply these in convenient packs of 50. These high quality filters are die cut from material manufactured by Whatman.
Use this set of two ultraprecise Class ZZ NIST traceable GO/NO GO pin gauges to audit the nozzle inside diameter on WINS Impactors of any manufacturer, per the exact EPA/CFR specifications. If the nozzle diameter is not perfect, the PM2.5 cut point will be incorrect. Also available for the EPA PM10 inlet. Instructions included. Part 10072.
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Latest Site Update: March 30, 2021
Alaric Electromechanics Inc.
ph: (1) 541-218-7694