Alaric Electromechanics Inc.
ph: (1) 541-218-7694
Lab & Field Evaluation of Crystallized DOW 704 Oil
The report by R. Vanderpool, et al. describing the collaborative EPA investigation into the effects of DOW 704 silicone oil sometimes crystallizing in PM2.5 WINS Impactors under certain conditions. This resulted in the transition to the use of DOS oil under EPA specifications. (.pdf file)
The original TAMU and RTI rest reports for the classic Sierra-Andersen PM10 Inlet, the predecessor of the modern louvered EPA PM10 Inlet. (.pdf file)
47mm Filter Cassette Instructions
The use and maintenance instruction sheet for our FC47 filter cassettes. (.pdf file)
North American Solar Insolation Map
The standard solar power Peak Sun Hour (PSH) rating map for the US and Canada. (.jpg image)
How To Upgrade a Hardinge CHNC II Lathe to Use an LCD Display
We recently retrofitted an LCD monitor into an old Hardinge CHNC II CNC lathe to replace a dead CRT monitor in the Fanuc A02B-0072-C023 MDI/CRT Unit. We used an inexpensive "XVGA Box" to convert the video signal from the machine to VGA. We couldn't find any information about using these with A02B units, and it took hours of research and experimentation, but the old machine is back up and running. The link above contains our notes (Rev 2). Hopefully it will save someone else a lot of time.
PurpleAir The IoT particulate sensor project that has taken the industry by storm. A network of accurate, low-cost, multi-cut-point PM sensors that anyone can participate in. Have a look at our station in Grants Pass, Oregon.
Wikipedia Particulates A great reference for information about the properties of airborne particulate matter and related topics.
EPA Particulate Matter (PM) Front Page A good starting point for basic EPA particulate matter information and resources. (New link).
EPA Ambient Monitoring Technology Info Center The AMTIC site contains information about air monitoring programs, monitoring methods, regulations, and procedures.
AirNow Official site for nationwide PM, ozone, and Air Quality Index realtime data.
NREL The National Renewable Energy Lab solar page. Excellent resource for US solar power insolation maps, as well as wind and geothermal maps.
WHO The World Health Organization air quality page. We sometimes disagree with WHO policy objectives, but they do provide a lot of resources on the health effects of ambient air pollution.
We have extensive experience with air monitoring regulations, SOPs, field procedures, and with equipment from a number of manufacturers. We also have access to a network of experts on a variety of air monitoring topics.
Copyright 2014 - 2021 Alaric Electromechanics Inc. All rights reserved wordwide. All product images are copyright of Alaric Electromechanics Inc.
Latest Site Update: March 30, 2021
Alaric Electromechanics Inc.
ph: (1) 541-218-7694